12 Superfruits That Are Good For Your Eyesight and Eye Health

12. Papayas

Papaya is an excellent food choice for maintaining eye health because it is abundant in beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E. As an antioxidant, vitamin E shields cells from free radical damage, and beta-carotene promotes healthy eyesight.

In Summary

We must care for our eyes to maintain excellent eyesight and prevent eye diseases as we age. We can support eye health in numerous ways, but eating eye-boosting fruits is tasty and fun. Low light, UV radiation, digital screens, and other factors can slowly harm the eyes. Some fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help with eyesight and macular degeneration. The best fruits for eyes are rich in nutrients that nourish and protect our vision.

Author: myt

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